I saw my chiropractor this morning and was looking forward to telling her how cranky I feel. I started to think about how she'll react to that and realized that she was going to tell me it has to do with some planetary thing and everyone is feeling it. Then I got annoyed that she was going to say that to me. Can't I just even have this crankiness be mine and mine alone?!
Sure enough she told me something about some planet in retrograde and that everyone is feeling impatient and triggered and that it's not just me. But then she allowed me to unleash some of my crankiness in her office and it felt quite good getting it out. She told me to write. Write it out. This is the beginning of that. The rest of it will be private.
Here is the short list of what I am cranky about right now.
Cooper is trying to sleep on my arm while I type and then biting my arm when I move too much.
My hair is ridiculous.
A very specific pair of stupid pants that I own (not the cranky ones)
My room is cluttered and messy.
A scar on my foot that is taking too long to fade.

1 comment:
Are those the cranky pants????
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