Today is the day of getting things done. My weekly goal list is nearing it's end date (tomorrow) and there are a lot of things I haven't checked off yet. I was telling ST earlier today that this goal list is ideal for days like today where I have the whole day off with no plans and could easily piddle my day away without a plan. But I have a goal list. I can glance at the list and find a whole bunch of things to do that are fun, interesting and in line with keeping me moving forward, focused and productive.
I got up this morning and took some old books to the used book store and got 13 bucks for them. Then I got gas, cat food and some good, healthy groceries. I came back home and uploaded some pictures and cleaned and am now writing this (it's on my list!). Then I think I'll clean some more, go to the gym, make a healthy dinner, go chill out on the beach and write out my vision for my future (Jack Canfield exercise). It's a good day and I feel good having a plan and getting stuff done.
I just flipped the channel to another Live Earth concert channel and John Mayer was on and I had to stop writing to go check him out. He intrigues me because I can't decide if I find him attractive or not. Sometimes I think he's totally hot and then other times it's like he's a completely different person. It's weird.

It could definitely be the angle. Chin up - chin down can definitely make or break a picture for me. Either way, John Mayer's got some great songs.
Have a great Saturday everyone!
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