Monday, 22 January 2007

22 years later

I started writing in a diary when I was in grade 4. My early entries are all around half a page long and often describe either a detailed account of what I did that day or how much I hate/love my sisters and parents. The detailed accounts of my days are full of strange pieces of information like ' I tripped going up the stairs today but it didn't hurt at all.' I still have every one of these old diaries and will be sharing some of the stranger/funnier/oddly interesting/possibly boring to anyone but me entries here. My diary entries became fewer and further between as I reached puberty and discovered boys and smoking. I'd check in every once in a while with a short entry of 'My life up to now' updates that seem very self imortant now. But maybe all diary/journal/blog entries are somewhat self important. It really is writing about my perspectives, my thoughts, my beliefs, my opinions and, in a public forum like this, isn't it really what I want people to know about me...if that isn't self important then I'm not sure what I'm talking about. But enough about that.

I am not sure yet what this blog will become, if anything. But I am happy to have a place to post whatever my heart fancies. And at the moment my heart fancies a good dinner and a glass of wine.


stef with an f said...

that's liiiiiiiife!
love love love it kt!

Pancy said...

Bunnies should never be kept in cages...

Isn't life ironic? I just bought a bunny yesterday for $27 at the Calgary farmer's market (honestly). I agree - cages are no good. They thaw out too fast in there.