Wednesday 21 March 2007


I am a movie fanatic. I love movies. Last night st and I went to see Dreamgirls. It took us long enough since I wanted to see it when it came out, but with all the Oscar hype my desire to see it diminished daily. It finally came down to my mom, who had seen it and loved it, forcing my sister and I to go see it. I say forcing but it was far more gentle than that. She handed me 40 bucks and said "Here, I'll even pay for you to see it and get snacks too! Just go!" So we went.

Immediately I was hooked. I should insert here that while I love movies, I love musical movies even more! There isn't a musical that I prolly wouldn't get some enjoyment out of. I find that disclosing this information about myself, somehow diminishes my authority on recommending good movies to people. You lose a lot of movie cred if people know you LOVE musicals. Ah well, so be it.

Back to Dreamgirls. There is a scene mid movie with Jennifer Hudson belting out her heart and my entire body erupted into goose bumps. Chills. Complete chills. For the rest of the movie, everytime JH sang I got goose bumps. I even got them at one point when they introduced her onto the stage, just in anticipation of her singing. It was incredible.

Then of course, ST and I sang any line we could remember from the songs on the drive home. We are going to memorize and practice singing Effie's big dramatic song so that we can perform it all the time, anywhere we go - (beware JM, you know I'll be singing this one around you - especially if we watch Pitch Black again, which we won't!!).

I really liked this movie. Eddie Murphy was great. Beyonce was great. Jamie Foxx pissed me off - but he was supposed to. I have a new crush on Keith Robinson who has the best smile ever. Plus, I had a fun night out with my sister. So, thanks mom for getting us there!

1 comment:

stef with an f said...

holla and woot and no no no no way i'm living without you!!!