Sunday 25 March 2007

Why I feel so great!

A couple of weeks ago I wrote that I am really, really happy right now and then I left you all hanging wondering why.

About a month ago I got the book The Secret. I had it in my possession for about a week before even cracking it open. Right away I loved it. This whole idea of the power of thoughts and feelings and words made instant sense to me. The odd part is that after reading the first chapter all I could think of were negative thoughts. My brain was full of weird negativity that seemed to me to come from nowhere. I felt awful and I stopped reading the book.

I woke up a couple days later and my body was in physical pain all over. My back hurt, my knees were sore, I felt stiff and achy, I felt sick to my stomach, my chest felt heavy and it was hard to breathe. I went out with my mom that day. Actually that was the day that I bought all the tea at the Bayswater Tea Co. I tried to get in to see my chiropractor but she was booked solid so I had to wait until the next morning. I took it easy that day and found that if I ignored it and kept busy then I didn’t notice it as much. So that’s what I did.

I woke up Wednesday morning feeling a little better but with the same symptoms; achy, stiff, sick, sore, heavy. My appointment with my chiropractor was early so I got in right away and explained my situation to her. I told her about starting to read The Secret and then being bombarded with negative thoughts. I explained that I was trying to do the right thing and just notice the negative thoughts without holding on to them. But it was a struggle for me.

She listened to me and felt my back and shoulder and hips. She had me lie down and started adjusting me all over. She explained that what was happening to me was actually quite crucial. Feeling sick to my stomach was related to my gut (instincts, feelings, intentions) and that feeling heavy in my chest is related to my heart (emotions, love, acceptance). She told me that I was on the verge of a huge transformation and that I was changing at a cellular level. I was breaking away from old patterns and creating new ones. She told me to keep reading The Secret. My new homework was to read it a second time once I finished it.

I have learned over time that being adjusted doesn’t mean instant relief. It definitely starts to feel better right away but it can take a day or two to feel wholly good again. Leaving her office, I felt sore but the nausea and chest heaviness were gone and I felt excited.

It was another day or two before I picked up The Secret again and by that time my body was back to feeling good. I read and read and read. I loved it! I couldn’t read it fast enough. I wanted to absorb The Secret. It made sense to me. I understood that what I was reading was fact and decided there and then that if this was going to work for me (and how could it not if it’s a fact) I had to give it my complete and utter faith. So I did.

I woke up the next morning elated. I felt so good. Happy and excited and healthy and free. I started creating goals and planning my future and it was fun. I sat and visualized things that I wanted. I created a vision board. I drew happy pictures of myself. I wrote out happy thoughts and beliefs. When people ask me how I am I say fantastic, wonderful, never better, great and then I laugh because it feels so good to say.

And because it’s true.

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