Sunday 3 June 2007


I am having one of those interesting conundrums right now. I am feeling a wee bit sad and frustrated and yet don't want to give it any weight or energy. So I am in conflict with wanting to acknowledge my feelings and let them be but also not wanting to wallow or feel sorry for myself.

I know the secret to happiness and it's so simple, which is exactly why it is so hard. The secret to happiness is that you choose it.

That's it.
Easy right? But not always so. For example, I know right now that I can make the choice to be happy. I can look at the good. Be grateful for what I have. Be present and clear and enjoy the moment. But sometimes there is a stubborn little part of me that wants to feel bad. I think I have this belief that if I feel a little sorry for myself that other people will give me attention. Yet, this isn't the kind of attention that I want. At least logically this isn't the kind of attention that I want.

I want the kind of attention that comes with smiles and laughs, honest and present energy, light and joy...and I want all of those things to be coming from me. I want to draw in those things and the best way for me to attract that is to be that. Feeling sad and frustrated is a negative two-fold. First, what good does it do me to feel sad and frustrated and then secondly, that is the energy I am expending and therefore, will attract it back to me.

I rented some movies yesterday and last night I watched one of them. The Prize Winner of Defiance Ohio. It was a cute movie, but what stayed with me was Julianne Moore's character. She lived in the present and made the most out of every situation. That saying "When life gives you lemons, make lemonade"- she lived that. It was inspiring to see.

I feel like I got some lemons today.

I am going to go make some lemonade.

peace, love and joy to you all.

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