Thursday 28 June 2007

The Power Within - T. Harv Eker

T. Harv Eker was the 4th speaker of the day and definitely the most dynamic. He was very good in getting everyone energized and involved. He is an author, motivational speaker and self made millionaire. He'd asked questions and then prompt us to answer by saying "Yes or yes?" "Good or good?" We'd have to high five our neighbour every couple minutes, look into their eyes and yell "You have a millionaire mind!" I have to say it worked though, a couple of days later I saw two people high five and I said out loud to myself "You have a millionaire mind!"

He talked about financial blueprints. Each and every person has a financial blueprint. It is how you look at money, feel about money, behave around money..etc. It is your relationship with money. Your inner world creates your outer world therefore lack of money in your life is a symptom or result of your financial blueprint.

We have verbal programming from the time we are very young.
"Money doesn't grow on trees."
"We can't afford that."
"I'm not made of money."
"Money doesn't equal happiness."
"Money is the root of all evil."
We see how our parents are with money. They model that for us as children and young adults. The great thing is that when you know better, you do better. You can change your financial blueprint.

To have a good relationship with money you need to have a good blueprint. Seek out rich people and adopt their financial blueprint. Be careful though...if the motivation behind an individual making lots of money is anger, fear or revenge, they may be rich but not happy. You want to seek out happy, rich people.

Rich people believe "I create my own life." Rich people take 100% responsibility for everything in their lives. When you complain, you attract crap. Complainers attracts other complainers. Complaining keeps you trapped in the role of victim. Victims blame, justify and complain.

Rich people play to win. Poor people play not to lose. Rich AND happy - Rich people think both. Poor people think either or. If you aim for comfort you will achieve comfort.

Michelangelo said "The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we reach it."

Model and admire rich and successful people. Admire, bless and love rich and successful people. Bless that which you want.

Act in spite of your fears. Feel the fear and do it anyways.

T. Harv Eker sells shirts that say "Ready, Fire, Aim" His philosophy is that you should prepare a little, do it and then make the adjustments afterward. Don't wait until you feel 100% prepared because you may not ever be ready to act on it so just do it!

T. Harv Eker Website

What I am really figuring out with rewriting all of these notes from the conference is that all these people are all saying the same thing just in their own language. The great thing about that is they will reach a larger audience. While Jack Canfield has become my own personal mentor, someone else might get more from Harv Eker or John Assaraf or Lisa Nichols or someone else...Oprah, Gandhi, Rhonda Britten, Martha Beck, Jesus... There are so many to chose from. These people have learned the secrets to having a better life and they have committed themselves to spreading the word to the rest of us.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the rare chance that you'd notice I commented on an old post of yours, I definitely agree with aspects of what you're writing about. Within each of us lies incredible potential, and most of us don't even realize how much potential we have.

It's sad :( that a lot of people in the world don't have the opportunity to live a really meaningful rich life. Take people in Africa for instnance, a place raviged by AIDS and poverty. Yet, some of those people are the most happy and contented people you'll ever meet b/c they have the right PERSPECTIVE.

What I'm learning is that life is a lot of what you make it. Whether you're rich or poor, you still have to decide whether to have the right perspective or not, and surround yourself with things that lend to developing that perspective.

Anyway, thanks for sharing. I just noticed you have lots of posts, i could spend hours here! :P